Job and Skills Matching
Match candidates to jobs, job families and career paths based on candidate career interests and real-world skills assessments.
Advance is a comprehensive learner experience management solution which unites sophisticated career planning tools and support services across an entire learning lifecycle.
Who’s this for?
- Schools
- Universities
- Departments of Education
- Career Service Centres
- Unions
- Non-Profit Organisations
Book a demo
Features & Functionality
- Career assessments
- Online skills inventory with job matching
- Data-driven career guidance & planning
- Internship placement and management
Get the brochure
(COMING 2021)
Activate is an enterprise hiring and onboarding solution which revolutionizes the hiring process with automated candidate filtering based on real-world skills frameworks and assessments.
Who’s this for?
- Employers
- Employment Agencies
- HR Service Providers
- Career Service Centres
- Government Planners & Ministries
Features & Functionality
- Automated job & skills matching
- Online competency and skills assessments
- Aggregate team profiling
- Hiring and onboarding flows
Automated Graduate Career Fairs
EPITOME technology powered this career fair in Malaysia to create a paperless solution allowing for the automated capture of thousands of graduate online CVs, matching them to ‘best-fit’ roles with leading recruiters with just the scan of a QR code.